Sunday, February 10, 2008

Question #6

Okay, so after the last week my whole mission statement seems out of date. I mean here I was writing it to what I want to do and have discovered the maybe God is sending me some other place. There is still a common thread here and that is the care and nurture of people missing the mark on who and what God is all about.
Question #6, You have a gift of three extra hourts a week that you could use to serve others. where would yo sign up? suppose you had the gift of a day a week to offer in service. Where would you spend the day? You have three months off and all expenses paid to go anywhere on the planet to serve people in need . Where would you go??
I may have to break this down into the individual quesitons so I don't get all giddy and pack a bag or something crazy like that.
Three extra hours per week, hmmmm let's see now I first have to imagine what that is. I spend copious amounts of time at nursing homes and hospitals already. I am not sure that is where I would go. I have spent time in food pantries, ours is little and well staffed so probably out. Three would be fun to host some sort of party for anybody to come to. You know one of those alnighters (oops only 3 hours) where food and fun and maybe a movie that would just lighten the day?????
I have always had a dream of owning a restaurant that was operated on donations only. I read recently that there is some movement of people doing just that. Come eat and give what you can. The article said they were doing great. With that in mind maybe I could put on a meal at the church once a week that was donations only and the donations don't go to the church but to the meals.
I think that is it, I could conceivable make that happen. A meal once per week, shoots the 3 hours clear out of the picture, but what a ministry. Food fellowship, no limitations.
What do all of you think?????

Pastor WaynO


shaun said...

It is so very odd. My wife and I have rented the place behind us ( it was very cheap and we still don't have power on there) for a home school classroom and possibly have some sort of fellowship, not necessarily a "christian" fellowship, but more of a neighborhood gathering to invite people around us followers of Jesus and non- followers.
I also wanted to have sort of a bible study or just kind of bible discussion meeting( separate from the meal/fellowship ) so we could use this place for something not completely selfish.
I think it is ironic that you are considering (albeit in a different way) the same sort of service. For us , since I have been in the restaurant business all of my life and my wife has been around it as well, it was kind of a natural inclination. I think it's a really great idea, though I might suggest having it in a different venue. But that is just my opinon.
Really I think it is a good idea and if God is leading you in that direction I say go for it. What have you got to lose?

Ken said...

One of many possible opportunities for 'three hours a week' of what we might call 'intentional ministry' would be mentoring. Our public schools are overloaded with what the system calls "at-risk kids" who only need some genuine love and personal attention. I serve with an organization called 'Kids Hope USA'(you can google to their web site). It actually requires only one hour a week on campus with your child. Including preparation and driving time, it's still under three hours a week. I am on my fifth year mentoring a young boy (we only stay with the child throught he fith grade, so this will be my last 'official' year). I have watched just what an our a week of intentional ministry can do to transform a dysfunctional child into a functional citizen. It is absolutely amazing!

I don't think 'ordinary Christians' are called to change the world, they are just called to touch individual lives. God will do the big stuff.

WaynO said...

Thank you for your comments. I am still comtemplating how to make something work.
I live in a town of 1200 and we are 2 hours from anything like walmart etc. so that puts me in an environment (sp) that has lots of needs.
I only have the church as option for meals. I spend a couple of hours a week now with marginalized children in two towns where I serve churches.
Both valid thoughts so will keep searching.