Monday, August 11, 2008

Still Wandering

So here I am, still lost and confused but seeming to find a direction. I remember someone saying that Sunday worship or any worship for that matter needs a bit of chaos to keep it from being boring. Well I am absolutely adept at chaos. I left the stuff off the stage (whatever you call the raised part of the church that seperates the people from the leaders) and got a bit of questioning. Put back the "Table" (I felt lost without it) and that only brought up, "Where is the pulpit?"
I wonder what we really need to have worship? The issue is that the people are only comfortable with what is traditional. This weeks Gospel (Matt. 15.10-28) is great for talking about tradition. Is the question about the womans heritage the real question or is there an underlying lesson or some other info about Jesus we miss?
Oh well that is only a small part of the mess I live in. Have daughter living at home sometimes but others not home and no info as to what is happening. Did have fair and the youngest did well but not as well as previous years. Problem with fair is the projects begin so late. I mean not only late in the year (begin week before due) but late at night. After work and until morning so everyone is on short fuse and projects not quite as good as ought to be. Funny thing is I grew up this way and this is the 3rd child in 4-H. You would think something would begin to sink in!!!
Oh, well on to a new week trying to get sidewalk put in this being the 3rd year of working at it. Have a great week all, remember we are all washed in His grace and filled with his Peace.

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