Saturday, July 19, 2008


So here it is in all its glory. I can not continue to simply preach the scriptures. There needs to be some response from the congregation that shows a real relationship with the Lord. Hope those I quoted are all okay with it and that I gave credit where due. Here is the newsletter for your comments.

So as I sat trying to think what to write to all of you this month it occurred to me that I have been trying for a couple of years to get a new thinking process going in the churches. This new thought would hopefully begin to engage us all in a different kind of life. A life that would be so different that people would wonder what was happening. This is a total change of lifestyle and would change the way we look at the world.
It is hopefully a move back to the church of the first century. A time close to Jesus when the believers lived in community and lived in such a way that they were caring for people around them as they worshipped God through Jesus Christ. This new way of thinking is best described as missional.
The first thing I noticed about missional was my spell checker says it is spelled incorrect. It is spelled correctly and is not a brand new way of being as many would lead you to believe. It is from the past, I have read books from the 60’s and also from the Bible and this is the way of Jesus. It is less about religion and more about faith and belief. It is about the way a person lives their life in relation to those around them. It is difficult to grasp at times so found this description on a web site called “Kingdom Grace” to help explain it.

What Is Missional? June 26, 2008
This article by Darryl Dash describes what Sanctuary, a missional community, looks like. It explains many of the ideas that I was trying to get across in my defining-missional post. I will share a few quotes, but I am sure you will be encouraged and inspired by the entire article.
In not Out
As we talked, we noticed that our language didn’t match up. We talked about Sanctuary as a mission; Greg talked about it as a community. We talked about targeting people; Greg talked about wanting to be with people where they are.
With not For
When we come to a community with a set of services, Greg explained, there’s a power dynamic at work. We serve; they receive. They remain disempowered. When we go into a neighborhood, spend time with them, listen to them, and allow them to serve us, we become servants, and the power imbalance disappears. The challenge is to find who the poorest people are in the neighborhood, and to discover how we can be with them.
Us not Them
Greg talked about lessons he’d learned: about becoming a church of the poor, rather than a church that only served the poor; of learning early on that he had to shut up and do more listening than talking; of getting past the idea that church is only a service on Sunday; of connecting with those who are broken by being vulnerable about our own brokenness.

That will not answer all the questions I am sure but it may spark a little interest in making some changes. Changes in church life and in personal lifestyle that will refresh us spiritually and take us to a new life in Christ. I will close with this reading:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matthew 11:28-30(taken from The Message, by Eugene Peterson)
Pastor WaynO

------ Missional - sharing God’s love out among the people in our world ------